“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Photo Courtesy - @indykadeer
Attesting and Translation of Original Documents
It is a good idea to get the originals copies attested while you are in India. Please check the details needed for the copies to the country you are planning to migrate to.
Degree, Diploma or Provisional Certificate confirming the earned qualification.
Statements of Marks for all examination attempts, or official Transcript Issued by the university or the autonomous college.
Internship Completion Certificate
Marriage certificate
Passport copies
If your transcripts and diploma were issued in a language other than English, you will have to translate them.
For the UK - The translation must either be a certified translation by a qualified translator or for degree certificates and diplomas, an official translation by the relevant university with the official stamp of the university and the signature and name of the dean.
For the USA, It is recommended that you find a translator that is a member of the American Translators Association
Other countries get someone reputable like this in the country you are migrating to.
Marriage certificate and Name change.
If you got married after the graduate degree and you have changed your name, get all the paper-work in order to validate that.
It would also be a good idea to change the name on your passport to the new name, and add your spouse name to the passport.
I did not change my name after marriage, and that has actually saved me a lot of paperwork and hassle. I have seen my colleagues filling double the forms when you have had a different maiden name for eg for a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau )check for every new job we start.